Sanctioned Events Pack

Sanctioning events provides a way for UKU to help organisers run safe Ultimate events. Sanctioning your event means participants can feel confident that you’ve considered the health and safety basics and that your event is covered by UKU liability insurance.

Please read the Sanctioning Guidelines and then complete the relevant risk assessment template and a first aid plan for your event. Proof of insurance cover will be provided when we confirm your event has been sanctioned.

Incident reporting

If an incident occurs at your event you must report it to UKU.

Record the incident as soon as possible using either a paper form or the online form.

  • If you use the online form no further actions are required at this time.

  • If you use a paper form, the information must be transferred to the online form within 24 hours of the incident, and the paper copy must be destroyed.

  • If the online form cannot be accessed, you must email a copy of the paper form within 24 hours and post it to UKU within a week. Please find the postal address and further details in the relevant section of the Sanctioning Guidelines.

Does your event involve coaches or coaching?

Sometimes we have requests from organisers wanting to run coached opportunities, such as skills clinics or development sessions as part of their event. This must be included in your planning documents and risk assessment. If you’re working with a coach on the UKU Coach Register we should be able to sanction your event without further input. If the coaching is done by anyone else, we will need further details about the coaches and require some information about what they’re planning to deliver before we can sanction your event.

Hat Events

A ‘hat tournament’ is one where players sign up as individuals and get put into teams to play on the day. They are a great way to provide opportunities for people to get involved in the sport and enjoy 'just playing’.

These events are fun and simple to run, and we’re happy to sanction them. Find a venue with suitable facilities, work through the resources outlined above and please get in touch.

Hat events should follow the guidelines and requirements of sanctioned events using the documents above, but we can offer additional help if you’re running a Women’s Hat. For more information please contact UKU Women’s Committee.